Social Media Presence

The TBV Bible Translation is pleased to announce presence on Facebook and Twitter.

The Today’s Bosnian Version is modern translation of the Holy Bible into Bosnian using original language sources of Hebrew and Greek and localized weights and measures.

Social media presence is made possible by the translation process, which enables our team to share the scriptural points using photographs, captions and links to Bible verses.

What makes our scriptural points unique is that each verse is taken apart, translated, associated with universal meaning it contains and shared on Twitter and Facebook.

Our insights are well prepared, carefully communicated and to the point.

Partner with us by following us on Twitter and Facebook.

About the Today’s Bosnian Version Bible Translation Project

In situation of scarce Bible translations available, the new translation enables rapid adoption of the word of God of Israel, and thus the execution of Jesus’ instructions to make disciples of all nations.

Bible translation is the main source for understanding what God of Israel said, and in what way, and what He gives and what He is looking for in the relationship with Him.

Our strategy is to partner with individuals and organizations, which share the same vision of going to those countries, which have several translations available, but inadequate and obsolete.

For more information, please visit the following social media sites:






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